Monday, October 31, 2011

Treats and more treats

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, but my kids pretty much jump out of their skin over the trick-or-treating.  So, they dressed up and were the first out on the streets in our neighborhood.  My oldest came up with the idea to dress up as her daddy -

At the last minute, my youngest ditched the idea of a kangaroo (for which she didn't really have a costume but has been talking about for weeks) to be a ballerina -

Here they are with their favorite scarecrows across the street -

And at their first house -

Then back home to eagerly await the arrival of the few trick-or-treaters that come before bedtime -

Now we have enough candy to last until Christmas.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I read to learn.  Consequently, I don't read much fiction.  However, occasionally I am reminded that a good story is 100 times more powerful than a simple declarative sentence.  So, I asked my niece Marlee, who has a book in her hands at all times, what her favorite book is.  She responded with -

The story is set during World War II (a period we've heard much about), but it is told from a new perspective. 

Death is the narrator, but the life of the book comes from its focus on words.

The story shows how powerful words are when they are spoken and how much stronger they grow when they become flesh.  There is a pivotal scene that occurs when hope and love appear in the flesh in the midst of a hopeless march to a concentration camp.  Living out your words is the strongest message you can give.

Seeing those poor souls walk that shameful, senseless path reminds me of one who walked that same death walk before them.  One who was mocked and whipped and spat on and then killed in order to bring us hope.

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us...And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross...With your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation." *

The Word who spoke the world into being submitted to the cruel hands of men to bring words of hope to all people. Words that become reality and give life to my soul.

* John 1:1, Philippians 2:8, Revelation 5:9

Friday, October 28, 2011

Brighten up

It's another gray day in Atlanta, so I'm going to add some color with these outfits -

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just add heels

I like this girl's comfy casual approach to dressing for a fashion show -

Just add heels and a lot of unique jewelry -

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

City girl goes country...and finds art

This past weekend, we went to visit my husband's sister and her family in Missouri.  They live out in the country where it takes them 30 minutes to get anywhere.  My daughter argued with her cousin when she claimed they live in the suburbs.  The suburbs of what? 

All good natured kidding aside, I am fascinated by how different their surroundings are from mine -

They also have some interesting decor with all of the animals they have killed and hung on their wall -

The turkey was killed by Marlee, my niece, when she was 10.  In addition to being a good hunter, she's always been artistic.  During her hunting and animal phase, she drew this picture and left it at my house -

She is now 16 and has moved onto cities and collages - two subjects I currently love as well -

Here are her dressers -

And her drawing of the Van Gogh brothers -

She has also painted the sides of the school softball dugouts -

I can't wait to see what she does next.  I love finding interesting beauty in unexpected places.

Happy Tuesday

Here are some fun Tuesday pants -

I had "scheduled" this to post on Friday while I was out of town, because Tuesday isn't quite as fun as Friday.  I guess I didn't set it correctly.  So, ponder those pants while I work on something to show you where I was all weekend.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Preppy is back

Today, I am loving the preppy look with the checked shirt under the sweater -

Target has a cute plaid shirt (available in different color combinations) that would work well with this look.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Teenage comfort

It is cold and rainy in Atlanta, and I'm wondering if I could pull off some kind of legging outfit.  They just look so comfy.

So maybe I'm too old to leave the house in something like this.  But it would give me a good excuse to stay inside on a day like today.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pink on the feet

You don't often see women past adolescence wearing pink footwear, so here are a few women venturing into new territory.  I think the first is successful, but what do you think about the other two?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy book

Today I had the choice to either make a meal for my neighbor or spend time with my kids.  Normally, I would feel like I need to make the meal, but in light of my recent conversation with my husband, I decided to simplify and give the time to my girls.  (Don't worry.  I had not actually promised a meal to my neighbor.  It was all in my head.)

We were inspired this morning by an art exhibit in the lobby of our church - particularly by an art journal created by Bonnie Porter.  (You can see her beautiful art here.)  I had an empty sketch book that I actually received in a class taught by Bonnie, so my daughters and I decided to create an art notebook together.  We spent several hours creating collages from magazine cutouts and drawing portraits of each other -

They had a great time, but most importantly, they could tell I had a great time.  I am often teaching them, scolding them, reminding them, urging them, and getting upset at them.  I think it was a gift for them to feel me enjoying them. 

It reminded me of this quote -

"It is easy to think you have a heart for orphans on the other side of the world, but if you spend your time at home resenting the imposition your children are on you, you do not.  You cannot have a heart for the gospel and a fussiness about your life at the same time.  You will never make any difference there if you cannot be at peace here.  You cannot have a heart for missions, but not for the people around you.  A true love of the gospel overflows and overpowers.  It will be in everything you do, however drab, however simple, however repetitive." *

*I don't remember where I found this quote.  If you know who originally said it, please let me know.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


What a difference a long talk with my husband and a good night's sleep can make.  He's always the voice of reason in my life.  I told him about all the things that are overwhelming me right now, and he said, "So, what can we DO about that?"  I always think my "jobs" are unchangeable, set in stone, things I have to muscle through and do by myself.  

I need to learn to ask for help.  And continue to learn how to say "no".  I need to re-balance.

* All photos were taken in my backyard yesterday afternoon.  Actually, taking these photos helped me make a decision about clearing my schedule last night, so I could have that much needed discussion with my husband.  So, if you are stuck in your head, go DO something.  The change of perspective often gives you some answers.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm feeling a little dark and rainy today. 

Obligations and chores are piling up on me.  So, I'm attracted to this nighttime picture of New York -

With all of the graffiti, the mailbox is almost artistic.  And I like all of the reflective signs.  It's actually cheering me up a bit.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Fall!

It's finally starting to feel like Fall here in Atlanta.  Although it warms up in the afternoons, it is cool enough to start wearing my plaid scarf from Target -

This morning I started out with just the scarf, and then an enthusiastic sales woman at Dillard's talked me into this hat -

My daughter had to get in on the action -

So, "Happy Fall" from both of us!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


While I was in New York, my friend Elizabeth told me she has a thing for bikes and asked me to take pictures of them.  I was distracted by all of the cute outfits walking by, so I kept forgetting to do it.  But I did take a few, and I'm starting to see her point. 

I know that in this next picture the biker is out of focus and the trash is in focus, but there's something I like about it -


Maybe because it shows real life.