Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I am continually conflicted about the seeming antithesis between my love for God and my love for fashion.  Obviously, I love them in different ways, but they are hard to reconcile.  I want my life to cause people to think about God...not about what they are wearing.  Several times in my life, I have given up fashion for God, but I am always drawn back into it.

I have been asking God lately if I should abandon fashion for a nobler pursuit.  This morning, I'm pretty sure I heard him say, "Can you not enter into this world more simply?"  Simplicity.  Yes, sounds good.  But how do I do that?  

I don't have a full picture of simplicity in my life, but to start, I am going to go on a "fast" for February.  I am not going to buy any clothes for myself for a month.  To some of you that might sound ridiculously easy.  I would think it is ridiculously easy except for the fact that I kind of tried doing it for December and January but didn't succeed.  I didn't spent all that much money.  But the fact of the matter is that I don't NEED any more clothes. 

So, the question is - Can I appreciate fashion without feeling the need to acquire it? 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Unaccomplished - A Day in the Woods*

I have struggled a lot this week with my resolutions to focus on "being" versus "doing".  I am puzzled by the fact that my current life seems to require all the traits and skills that I don't have.  Why would God create me to be a "task-oriented introvert" if my life needs me to be a "people-oriented extrovert"?  

As much as I am frustrated by it, I recognize this theme in the Bible.  God likes to get people to do the opposite of their nature, so that they can see him working. "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."  I guess if I was allowed to spend all day by myself working on my projects uninterrupted, I might not recognize my need for God.  I might actually start to feel like I am God. 

So, it was good that on Saturday my family spent the whole day together not accomplishing anything on my list -


*My daughters came up with this title.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Unique jewelry

I am always on the lookout for interesting jewelry.  Last week, I stumbled upon Dora Rae Boutique.  It is a beautiful store tucked away in a little office complex in Sandy Springs.  I am now obsessed with this ring -

I love the combination of the architectural wooden base and the sparkly double star -

I also really like these bracelets by Chan Luu -

Both of these pieces have a great balance between sparkle, which makes you happy, and organic, which keeps you grounded.

A little something from Dora Rae would make a great gift for Valentine's Day (hint, hint).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Consignment shopping continued

I visited two more consignment stores today.  First, I went into Fantastic Finds in Sandy Springs.  I saw this adorable Milly sweater vest (size M) -

It was probably originally priced around $150 but is now $31.  I would have bought it if I didn't already have a Missoni for Target zig zag vest.  A sweater vest is an easy way to add a bright pattern to your wardrobe.

Then, I saw this 50's inspired Ann Taylor jacket (size 4) priced at $17.50!

Someone needs to snatch this one up.  Very "Mad Men".

I couldn't pass up this Vince cashmere sweater for myself -

I will enjoy wearing it if winter ever comes to Atlanta.  (It was 70 degrees here today.)  After spending a long time in that store trying to limit myself to one purchase, I had a few minutes to run into Back by Popular Demand in Marietta and saw this cute Banana Republic clutch for $20 -

Let me know if you are looking for anything in particular, and I will let you know if I see it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Consignment store scores

I have a current obsession with consignment stores.  I love being surprised by what they have, and everything is relatively inexpensive.  It gets me out of my "regular store" rut and helps me to try new styles.  

Some of my favorite items have come from consignment stores in Atlanta.  I found a Whiting and Davis evening purse and striped skirt from Rag-O-Rama in Little Five Points -

Years ago, I found these Cynthia Steffe pants at Tabu (now closed).  They were cheap enough that I could take a risk on the bright red color -

Recently, I've fulfilled a long time dream of owning a dress by Diane Von Furstenberg, who is the queen of the modern wrap dress.  Fortunately, some Atlanta women have been cleaning out their closets, because I've located several DVF wrap dresses at local consignment stores.  I found a "maybe" at Alexis' Suitcase in Sandy Springs.  Then, I found a "definitely" at BChic in Buckhead -

It evokes a feeling of vintage Palm Springs, which is where I am going in a few months.  So, I bought something to remind me of my trip...before my trip. 

I've probably spent enough of my money for now, but let me know if you want me to help hunt around for you.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Atlanta style

When I was in Saks last week, I met lovely Madeline -

I love the fur scarf she is wearing over the peach Dolce & Gabbana dress.  We had a great discussion about "soul balance", and she topped it off with a graceful yoga pose -

Later that morning, I ran into another friendly lady at the Starbucks counter -

Her dress and jacket are so colorful and fun.

Her dress came from Virginia, but she said she has seen the brand (Deja Vu) at a boutique in Decatur.  I think the store may be Boogaloos.  Meeting her reminded me that I need to go to Decatur.  Hopefully I can take you on a little trip there soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Inspired in Saks

Guess what I found last week in the middle of Saks Fifth Avenue?  

Art.  And art that I really like.  I love the colors in this "drip" painting by Kathryn Fortson -

Here is another one -

I think her quote below about being able to feel and hear colors is interesting. 

My other favorite at the Saks "art gallery" was this one -

I would love to have one of these paintings (and by "have" I mean "re-create").  I'll show you my versions next week if they are presentable.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I thought I would spend this month cleaning out closets and re-purposing and recycling items.  I started off well.  Before giving away a huge box of clothing, I pulled out one of my husband's suit jackets to turn into a vest for myself.  But I was slowed down by the padding, the lining, and the pockets...and then I quit.   I did buy a Diane von Furstenberg dress from a consignment store.  That's recycling other people's clothing - right?

I was so inspired by the art at the museum and elsewhere (which I will show you later this week), that I've been working on several art projects.  I was also inspired by my inability to find pants that fit to attempt to make a pair of pants.  So far, the process has been pretty funny.  Maybe I shouldn't have started with a pattern that included in the "skills list" - "you need to be able to assemble and apply angled pockets and construct a fly front opening with a zipper."  I've realized the reason I like photography better than sewing is that if you mess up in photography, you don't have to spend 30 minutes taking out the stitches. 

My inspiration for today comes from nature that I saw at the museum.  I think the bark on this tree looks like an abstract painting -

And the sun that day was just gorgeous and bright -

I will keep you posted on my pants and art projects, and I will definitely show you the DVF dress soon. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Winter shoes

In Atlanta this winter, knee-high brown boots seem to be the most popular footwear -

I love this look, but seeing it everywhere makes me gravitate toward other options.  I like these menswear style shoes with the cuffed jeans and blazer -

...these green loafers with the light denim cuffed jeans (very 80's) -

...these ankle boots with navy tights and a lovely gray pleated skirt -

...and even these New Balance shoes -

What kind of shoes do you wear in the winter?