Monday, May 23, 2011

Simple white t-shirt

The other day, I was shopping for a simple white t-shirt.  What I found was either too see-through or too expensive for a plain t-shirt.  Then, I remembered that my husband had some extra t-shirts laying around -

The best thing about starting with an existing t-shirt is that the edges are already finished.  I cut around the neckline to feminize it a bit.  By holding the shirt by the sleeve, I cut the sleeves off retaining the finished edge on the shoulder.  I could have stopped there, but I wanted a more fitted look.  So, I cut some fabric out of the sides and then sewed them up again.  And, voila -


Katie said...

awesome! I have the same problem when looking for a white shirt.

Smith, Party of 5 said...

Well done!

Anonymous said...

This is the discussion topic on the FABB Network today on our FB fan page. I love what you've done with the shirt!